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Catalyst Pathways
Enrollment Form
The Enrollment Form may not load properly in all browsers. If you are having trouble viewing this document, please contact Catalyst Pathways at 1-833-422-8259.
Please note: Both pages 1 and 2 of the form must be signed by the physician and patient in order for the patient to be eligible for Catalyst Pathways services and financial programs. The physician is required to fax the signed Enrollment Form to Catalyst Pathways at 1-833-422-8260.
Prescribing Information & Medication Guide Download
Formulario de inscripción
de Catalyst Pathways
Es posible que el formulario de inscripción no se cargue correctamente en todos los navegadores. Si tiene problemas para ver este documento, comuníquese con Catalyst Pathways al 1-833-422-8259.
Tenga en cuenta: tanto las páginas 1 como 2 del formulario deben estar firmadas por el médico y el paciente para que el paciente sea elegible para los servicios y programas financieros de Catalyst Pathways. El médico debe enviar por fax el formulario de inscripción firmado a Catalyst Pathways al 1-833-422-8260.
Información de prescripción completa y guía del medicamento Descargar
The link you clicked on will take you to a website where you can connect with a mentor.
This website also includes information on a prescription treatment.
Proceed to Branded SiteThe link you clicked on will take you to a website where you can connect with a mentor.
This website also includes information on a prescription treatment.
The link you clicked on will take you to a website, which is solely responsible for its content. This website also includes information on a prescription treatment.
Proceed to Branded SiteThe link you clicked on will take you to a website, which is solely responsible for its content. This website also includes information on a prescription treatment.
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